I accompanied with voice and stage actress, Chiaki Omigawa on her event.

Hi I wrote I will update this blog more frequently but cannot. I’m a liar. m(._.)m

Already 3 months have passed this year. ^_^;

Already 4 days have passed from this event.

My excuse is because my tax declaration didn’t finish. This often happens on any sole proprietor.

No. This is just an excuse. Very sorry. m(._.)m

OK, now I’m ready. I did join to the event.

Continuing with Satomi Arai, this is also a very beautiful voice and stage actress, Chiaki Omigawa’s event.

Chiaki is ready to perform

How to say about this luck, recently I’ve been joining to the beautiful ladies’ events and perform. I may receive divine punishment…

Chiaki, Aruhi and me. Hey KAZ where are you looking at?

The reason why I didn’t announce about this was because the tickets had been already sold out. Chiaki was anxious to have small event for small numbers of audience. The former part was Chiaki’s recitation. The latter was the music live which I joined together.

The former recitation was also excellent. Aruhi improvised her piano according to Chiaki’s performance and she controlled piano’s dynamics in realtime with Chiaki’s dynamics. This is very excellent live performance.

As for the latter part, 5 songs were performed involving the song ‘Promise for Someday’ which I wrote for Chiaki. (The lyrics was written by Chiaki. I’m looking forward to release this song on streaming service.) Aruhi’s piano and my acoustic guitar accompanied with Chiaki’s vocal. What is called as ‘Duo Accompaniment’.


This was my first live performance to play only the acoustic guitar but I didn’t make serious mistakes. In the rehearsal, my performance was the worst and problematic, the day before the event I did exercise so much and I believe this contributed to reduce the mistakes.

For twenty years (!) I have never performed other person’s songs in live and almost songs have so frequent chord change and these made me very serious.

Because on duo accompaniment audience can be aware of mistakes more than solo performance or band ensemble. ^_^; If some notes conflict, audience recognizes ‘ah, he makes mistakes’. And if I didn’t pay attention to play acoustic guitar, the sound will be dirty and mad. Aruhi plays the piano very beautifully so that if I’m blunt, relatively sounding more dirty and I needed to avoid that. ^_^;

Ah, really acoustic guitar live is high risk. BTW, I took Martin D-35 which can sound very clean and beautiful according to the drift of this event. I’m not sure if it really sounded good in the event or not.

In addition, I was impressed with Chiaki’s idea for half an hour ‘tea-break’. When I saw the time table and felt strange. ‘Why half an hour tea-break? Why so long?’ Finally I understood. Chiaki doesn’t talk a lot about her ideas so even for me many things are not clear in advance.

After finishing her recitation, soon Chiaki declared ‘From now on I will be in the counter!!’ And she was in charge of selling drinks called ‘Honey-Lemon’ and ‘OMI-Cranberry-Rounge’. …this must be the ultimate service for her fans. Even very shy boys can align to the line and necessarily he can talk with Chiaki. Very fair, fan service. This is ‘Kami-Taio’. Because the numbers of the audience are small, she can do. Nice idea.

Chiaki at the bar-counter.
Her hand-maded Honey-Lemon was immediately sold out.

Audience was getting excited the most at this bar-counter. Everybody seemed very happy. (^_^)

I forgot to say about the very important thing. The result of the live performance was great because Chiaki’s vocal was very stable and excellent. Also Aruhi created the good vibration for rhythm. I’m much, much older than them but I just followed them. Very sorry, Chiaki and Aruhi…

Aruhi’s close-up photo.
She’s a pianist who is very beautiful as Chiaki.

But I enjoyed everything. I was satisfied with the dynamics which I can feel in the live performance. Around twenty years later I joined to Satomi’s live event again and I felt comfortable. Especially this time all of the performance was live and not accompanied with Karaoke track, so it was great to enjoy perfect timing in our collaboration. When Aruhi playing strongly, then I play strongly as well. Aruhi playing sensitively, then I play softly, Chiaki singing loud, Aruhi and I align to her. This is live.

I concentrated not to make mistakes and tracked scores so seriously…

How to say, somebody told about this but essentially I must be a musician rather than a composer so that still it’s my fun to play in live.

After so long, I confirmed I talked with ‘musician’ in music, not as a composer. I cannot get this feeling from other opportunities. In that moment I can feel so lucky to work for music.

Aruhi is also an enthusiast. She tried Triton which was available in the venue and asked ‘May I use Ivory Bösendorfer (Piano virtual instruments)?’. Aruhi really loves Bösendorfer (^_^). I love such emotion of players.

She preferred both Bösendorfer and Fazioli sounds but finally she chose Bösendorfer according to the tune of songs.

And these are special service for you. Chiaki’s extra photos! fan service!!

BTW, Chiaki gave her mic to me without any confirmation before and I introduced myself and cheer went up. (^_^)

They know game titles which I was in charge of composing well so I didn’t feel alone in the event. Thanks audience for your warm applause to unsuitable middle age man.

Later on I was invited to the Generalprobe for the stage event called Alice in project Mar, 2017 ‘Imagical Material’ which Chiaki joined. It was my side benefit.

In Generalprobe basically taking photos are prohibit so I don’t have any photos but Chiaki was very excellent of course. She looks bigger in the stage. I was impressed again.

Well, this is Chiaki’s last picture. Enjoy.

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#japanesesakura #sakura #meguro #meguroriver #cherryblossom #tokyo #桜 #目黒川 #サクラ #2024 #東京
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This year, in 2024 Sakura season was terrible weather but I took photos of Sakura at Meguro-River, Tokyo, Japan.

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This year, in 2024 Sakura season was terrible weather but I took photos of Sakura at Meguro-River, Tokyo, Japan.

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This year, in 2024 Sakura season was terrible weather but I took photos of Sakura at Meguro-River, Tokyo, Japan.

#japanesesakura #sakura #meguro #meguroriver #cherryblossom #tokyo #桜 #目黒川 #サクラ #2024 #東京
This year, in 2024 Sakura season was terrible weather but I took photos of Sakura at Meguro-River, Tokyo, Japan.

#japanesesakura #sakura #meguro #meguroriver #cherryblossom #tokyo #桜 #目黒川 #サクラ #2024 #東京